Music is a gift of God and part of the created order. From its inception, "when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy" (Job 38:7), to its consummation, "when every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them will sing to the Lamb on the throne". (Rev. 5:13)

Sanctuary Choir

sanctuary choir

The Sanctuary Choir ministers the spiritual needs of the congregation through sacred hymns, anthems and spirituals. The choir sings on 1st and 4th Sundays.

Retirees Choir

retirees choir

The Retirees Choir provides music for 5th Sunday Worship and other special occasions. We welcome all retirees–age range 55 and older.

Bernice Hogan-Hall, Interim Director

Hymnal Choir

hymnal choir

The Hymnal Choir leads congregational singing for funerals and other Worship Services. There are no rehearsals, just come and sing!

Children & Youth Choir

youth choir

The Children and Youth Choir provides development and enrichment through worship, developing vocal and instrumental musical talent and appreciation.

Adult Handbell Choir

handbell choir

The Handbell Choir provides an opportunity for musical creativity, expression, and spiritual outreach through participation of an instrumental ensemble.

Rosalyn Lewis, Director