
At FBC, we believe that baptism is an important part of the journey in our faith as baptism is an outward symbol of an inward change. Through being immersed and coming out of the water, we identify Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. With this act modeled by Christ (John 1:29-34), we give testimony to the fact that the old has passed away for us, and that he is making all things new. Furthermore, Jesus’ final words in Matthew 28, include the admonition that we should be drawing people to Christ and “baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

If you are a believer in Christ, and have never been baptized, we encourage you to consider it. Baptisms are held every 4th Sunday in the sanctuary during 10:00 AM worship service.

As part of the baptism process at FBC, we require that everyone attend the Baptism orientation. This is a time to hear about baptism and what it means and to also share your story of coming to faith in a small group setting.

We are currently registering for Baptism Classes. Please call the church office at (404) 688-0206 for additional information.