Thank you for your interest in event rental opportunities at Friendship Baptist Church.
The following facilities are available for rental use:

• FBC- Worship Sanctuary
• FBC- Worship Chapel
• FBC- Narthex Atrium
• FBC- Friendship Hall
• FBC- Leadership Conference Room
• FBC- Youth & Teen Classrooms
• FBC- Youth & Teen Cafe

The rental process includes the following:

1. Prospective renters must complete an event rental inquiry form prior to consideration.
2. Once the inquiry form and application have been approved, a rental agreement along with rental terms will be issued to the renter.
3. The renter must review and agree to the FBC facility guidelines and policies.
4. Your event will not be confirmed until a deposit has been received along with a signed contract.

For additional information, or to request a facility tour, please contact the
Events office at events@fbcatlanta.org or call the church office at 404.686.0206

Click here to request the rental inquiry form